Greetings! I'm Samuel,
glad to see you!

I'm a skilled software developer specializing in building custom web and mobile applications that meet unique user requirements. With my expertise in full-stack development for 3 years, I can help you bring your vision to life and deliver innovative solutions that empower businesses and individuals alike. Don't hesitate to check out my portfolio to see my previous work. Feel free to contact me if you have any projects you'd like me to code. I'm excited to collaborate with you and bring your ideas to life!


My Recent Projects


As a skilled software developer, I specialize in helping clients build high-quality, customized products, features, and websites. With at least 3 years in the industry, I've gained extensive expertise in full-stack development, which allows me to provide tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each project. Look through some of my work and experience on projects section. If you like what you see and have a project you need to be coded for, don't hesitate to contact me.


  • LanguagesDown icon
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • NodeJs NodeJs
    • PHP Programming PHP
    • CSS Icon Ruby
    • Python Programming Python
    • Java Programming Java
  • FrameworksForward Icon
    • React ReactJs
    • NextJs NextJs
    • JavaScript Icon Ruby on Rails
    • Laravel Laravel
    • Spring Boot Spring Boot
    • Django Django
  • DatabasesForward Icon
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • MySQL MySQL
    • MongoDB MongoDB
  • Mobile AppsForward Icon
    • React Native React Native
    • Flutter Flutter
    • Java Java Android

Contact me

If you have an application you are interested in developing, a feature that you need built, or a project that needs coding. I’d love to help with it.